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3 min Read

Shiny Shades

What if you wanted to go on an adventure, and all you had with you was some shiny shades, a magic map and some mouldy mayo to help you get through? Th…
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Digital Technology In Action

The build digital technology skills progresses as students move through primary school. These skills are broken down into achievable tasks as part of …
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Learning Traditional Māori Stories

Traditional Māori stories or pūrākau are taonga (treasures). They are stories with magical elements that have been passed down orally from generation …
4 min Read

Multiplying our Success

Room 5, students  have been exploring multiplication and division. Students used

skip counting using pegs, and then using their hands to make sets. B…

Kowaiwhai Transformations

Every student in Room 2 designed their own kowhawhai patterns, in a project which combined artistic expression with mathematical concepts, cultural ap…

Skill Versus Luck

Rather than skill versus luck, it is actually a combination of both skill and luck that makes an effective math game.
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Get Sketching

What is sketchnoting? Sketchnoting is visual note taking - using doodles and text to improve memory, recall, and comprehension.
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Why Wear a Poppy?

Anzac Day, on April 25, is a national day of remembrance for New Zealanders at home and around the world. The day marks the anniversary of the first m…
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Wonder Project - The Beginning

I wonder how we ignite creativity in young Kiwis? 


This is the prompt featured on the website of the Wonder Project, Engineering New Zealand’s fre…

Watery Waterways

How did Room 4 create effective waterways without using a paintbrush?

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